Fasting: A Posture of Surrender Focused on GodЗразок

Fasting: A Posture of Surrender Focused on God

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Adele Ahlberg Calhoun once wrote, "Fasting clears us out and opens us up to intentionally seeking God's will and grace in a way that goes beyond normal habits of worship and prayer. While fasting, we are one-on-one with God, offering him the time and attentiveness we might otherwise be giving to eating." One of the ways that God clears us out is by identifying the areas of excess in our lives that consume so much of our time and resources. These areas of excess add unnecessary complexity to our lives, often leading to increased fear and anxiety.

But complexity, fear, and anxiety do not have to be the dominant voice ringing in our ears. Instead, through the many seasons of life, the practice of fasting forms in us both an inward and outward life of simplicity. Here, at the intersection of fasting and simplicity, a life of generosity has the time, space, and resources to blossom. As generosity grows in our hearts, we are free to give out of the resources God has entrusted us with.

In a hustle and bustle culture, fasting slows us down long enough to see the needs of the poor and oppressed living in our communities. This kind of fasting opens our eyes to the words of the prophet Isaiah, "Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?" (Isaiah‬ ‭58:6-7‬ ESV‬‬)

Looking closer at your own life, what areas of excess have become unnecessarily complex? How might God be leading you into a life of simplicity so that you might freely give the resources He has entrusted you with? And finally, is God leading you into the regular practice of fasting so that you might see and respond to the needs of the poor and oppressed in your community?

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День 6

Про цей план

Fasting: A Posture of Surrender Focused on God

With the rise in popularity of intermittent fasting, has the practice of fasting essentially become a worldly endeavor focused on improved health? In an attempt to answer this question, we will look closer at what Scripture has to say about fasting, what circumstances led God's people into a time of fasting, and what these examples might mean for you and me today in our pursuit of becoming more like Jesus.
