

ДЕНЬ 5 З 7

Jesus Christ Is The Rescue

The problem was, is, and always will be sin. It was never with God. It was never with His word. He was faithful to every word He promised His people. He has been unchanging, holy and righteous in every way. Sin was responsible for keeping God and man far from each other. The ‘once for all’ solution would be a perfect sacrifice, with no blemish, that could substitute for every man, woman and child that ever was and ever will be. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was that sacrifice. God in every way and yet He became a man who walked the rough terrains of Judaea, meeting people, carrying children, touching the untouchable and bringing heaven to a small piece of earth. His life was ordinary in every respect until His thirty-third year, when after three years of serving people while teaching them, His life took a strange turn. He was arrested on trumped up charges, paraded like a common criminal through the streets of Jerusalem and then made to climb a hill where He was crucified. His mangled and bleeding body bore the brunt of the religious leaders’ hate and soldiers’ wrath.

As He hung on that cross, He carried the weight of the world’s sin on Him and was presented to His Father as a sin offering. Thanks to Him being completely sinless, at His death, He could make atonement for all sin. It was at that moment, man could once again come near God with no sin blocking the way. His blood made our redemption possible, but it didn’t end there. Two days after His death, in a final power move, Jesus rose from the dead and definitively conquered death forever. Today, we can live free of the fear of death and with the hope of eternal life, thanks to His resurrection. Our rescue was completed by Jesus. What no judge, ruler, prophet or priest could accomplish, Jesus accomplished by His supreme sacrifice!


Jesus Christ is the only name by which you can be saved!

День 4День 6

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Christmas is the perfect time to look back and reflect on all that God did for us in sending Christ to our rescue. As you read this devotional, I pray that you will remember your own rescue and walk into the New Year with the confidence that He will rescue you again from everything that you will need to walk through on the road that lies ahead.
