Because of Jesus I Am...Зразок

Because of Jesus I Am...

ДЕНЬ 5 З 20

Faith Expressed Through Love

Verse - “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” (Galatians 5:6)

Think - I’ve never liked attending banquets. Getting dressed up, dealing with all the formalities, having small talk with people I’ll never see again, and sitting through long speeches are not my ideal way of spending an evening. Even though I don’t prefer them, I still have to go to some of them.

In college, I had to attend a banquet (with a bad attitude, of course), and while I forget everything about the reason for the banquet, I have one abiding memory of it. After it was over and all the people cleared out, the college president loosened his tie, took off his coat and helped put away the folding chairs and tables.

As I recall all my experiences with my college president, I don’t remember a single chapel message he gave, a single prayer he offered publicly, or a single letter he wrote, but I do remember his “faith expressing itself through love” (Galatians 5:6). In that moment, his act of service underscored what I think Paul meant when he said, “In Christ neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value.” In other words, our accomplishments aren’t what make us valuable. My president’s advanced degrees, abilities to write, speak, or motivate weren’t what made him “valuable.” Instead, it was his faith expressing itself in love. When I encountered his sacrificial love by staying to help us clean up, it left an impression.

Apply - Have you ever told yourself that you’ll be more valuable if you accomplish the next thing? Another degree, a promotion, a new relationship, a move, a diet, or a fitness regimen? What really has value, Paul writes, is not what we accomplish externally, but faith expressing itself in love. If you want to live out your “in Christ” identity, consider who you can lovingly serve around you. Don’t diminish the value of putting away the chairs.

Pray - Dear God, it is so easy to believe that our value is found in what we accomplish - either spiritually, financially, relationally, or otherwise. Please help us keep our accomplishments in perspective and to remember that “in Christ” the only thing that counts is our faith expressing itself through love. Please give us your eyes to see our family, co-workers, and community around us so we know where and how we can help put away the chairs. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Bio line - Tim Rogers serves as the Lead Pastor of Grace Point Church in Paradise, PA. Tim is married with three children and enjoys biking, reading, and traveling.

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Because of Jesus I Am...

Placing faith in Jesus Christ initiates a mysterious exchange: His life becomes ours, His death takes our sins. Embracing this truth, we find a new identity in Him. This devotional reconnects us to Jesus' words, reminding us of the riches in our union with Him. Despite worldly and fleshly influences, we are a new creation. Let these truths revive your soul and rejoice in the great news for all.
