Because of Jesus I Am...Зразок

Because of Jesus I Am...

ДЕНЬ 11 З 20

In Christ, I Am Made Strong

Verse- “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 2:1)

Think - When Gideon assembled his 32,000 men to go against the enemy, the odds were unfavorable. They were outnumbered more than 4:1. Military wisdom would say there was no chance. For different reasons, God did not like these numbers either, so He reduced Gideon’s men down to 300! Now the odds were 450:1. Atrocious odds! And yet, God gave Israel the victory. There was no question who secured the victory. Gideon’s army could have been made up of the world’s most elite fighting forces, but they would still stand little chance against 135,000+ soldiers.

Imagine the thoughts of these men as they were getting ready for battle. Do you think they were a little timid? Maybe they had moments of regret as to why they were doing this. Maybe. However, they knew who was leading them. They knew where their strength lay. It was not in themselves but in the God of the universe. His grace was leading them. I imagine Moses’ words to their ancestors echoed like a chorus in their heads, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6). They were strengthened by the confidence they had in the Lord.

Apply - It is no different for us today! Jesus tells us something similar in Matthew 28 when he says, “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (verse 20). The Creator of the universe, Christ our Lord, promises to be with you, too! In the midst of life’s lows, when we are feeling tired and weak, the Strong One promises to be by our side. What a special grace this is! If God is for us, who can stand against us? No weapon formed against us will remain! Ultimate victory for us is made secure. Be strengthened by the promise of His grace given to you.

Pray - Dear God, I pray you give me the grace I need today for what you would have for me. I pray that I will turn to you for strength when I'm feeling weak. May my confidence, hope, and identity be placed in you and you alone. Amen.

Bio line - Joe Lab serves as the Pastor of Hershey Mennonite Church in Kinzers, PA. Joe is married with two children and is a big fan of Philadelphia sports.

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Because of Jesus I Am...

Placing faith in Jesus Christ initiates a mysterious exchange: His life becomes ours, His death takes our sins. Embracing this truth, we find a new identity in Him. This devotional reconnects us to Jesus' words, reminding us of the riches in our union with Him. Despite worldly and fleshly influences, we are a new creation. Let these truths revive your soul and rejoice in the great news for all.
