Reflections on LifeЗразок

Reflections on Life

ДЕНЬ 17 З 31

In 2017, I managed a three-week criminal trial at Auckland District Court. Due to the nature and the seriousness of the offending, the trial was very intense and emotionally charged. The Crown presented many witnesses and so did the Defence. As the officer in-charge, I sat at the back of the court room and listened to the witnesses testifying under oath. When cross-examined, the victim was called a liar, a cheat, and a fabricator. She was humiliated and ashamed and broke down on the stand many times in tears.

The Crown sought adjournments and I used this time to pray for her, and I encouraged her to press on and not give up. After continuously being called a liar, she became very hostile and walked out of the courtroom.

After several days of deliberating, the Jury found the Defendant not guilty, despite the Crown presenting DNA evidence to support the woman’s argument. The victim was bitter, broken, and suicidal. She had lost faith in everyone.

She felt that there was no honour and respect for the truth, and that she would never receive justice for herself.

About 6 months later, that same defendant was arrested for committing a similar offence. The case went to trial and the female victim for my case was called to testify under propensity. After another lengthy fought-out court battle, the jury unanimously found the defendant guilty, much to the relief of the female victims involved.

Today, if you have been betrayed, denied justice, or hurting and aggrieved by the wrongs of others, remember that the King of Righteousness is a God of Justice. He sees everything and knows everything. Those wrong doers who have told lies will face the consequence of their words and actions. In Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) it says: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

The world may not give you the justice you deserve but remember that the Word will never return null or void. The Judge that sits on the heavenly throne honours the truth and will declare you righteous.

So, the word for you today is to speak the truth and let the truth set you free!


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Reflections on Life

What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? Unlock the answers to life's most profound questions by embarking on a transformative 31-day journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. “Reflections on Life”, which is brought to you by Bible Society NZ, explores the Biblical view on life and its meaning by reflecting on 31 carefully selected verses from the Bible. Discover the Life contained within His Word!
