Come and SeeЗразок

Come and See

ДЕНЬ 15 З 21

What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it good works, family history, or church
attendance? Is it merely a box to check off or a title we label ourselves with? Or can it be slipped
on and off based on our feelings? Describing the Christian life can result in many colorful
viewpoints. However, the words of the Founder are clear: “Abide in Me.”

True disciples remain planted in Christ. From death in our sins, we are grafted into Christ
and made alive in Him. Going so much deeper than head knowledge or religious tradition,
abiding is remaining constantly connected to our life source. A branch has no life if it breaks away
from the vine, and we have no life apart from Him.

Busyness, selfishness, and unbelief become worldly thorns that choke people in
distractions and disobedience. Sadly, God’s gracious invitation for relationship is often met with
faint recognition, indifference, or even hate.

However, a true disciple should be obvious. We remain grounded through the Word of
God which keeps us growing and rooted in our faith. And flowing continuously through
unbroken friendship, we pray His will, and He pours out His love.

Many may identify with Christ, but this is how we know if we are truly abiding: We
produce lasting fruit. The natural outcome of union with Christ is reproducing His character to a
hostile world. Jesus walked in sacrificial love, overflowing joy, and loving obedience to His
Father. The closer we are to Him, the more we will live the way He did. The fruit of His Spirit
will beautifully overflow from Him, through us, and onto others. It’s not something that we have to strive for. In fact, it’s impossible to produce on our own. Only through intimacy with Jesus, do
we grow this fruit that looks like Him.

Apart from Christ, we’re only dead branches clinging to temporary idols, unable to produce
anything of eternal significance. But a true Christian abides daily in Him, and only through Him
are we capable of fruit that will last forever.


Read John 15


One of the biggest hindrances to abiding is distractions, and there are a lot of them at Christmas!
Set aside intentional time every day to worship, pray, and study Him. Doing this near a
Christmas tree will be a festive reminder to stay connected to the vine.

День 14День 16

Про цей план

Come and See

Stories of the nativity are important, but the story of why Jesus came should involve so much more than a manger scene. Focusing on one chapter a day through the book of John will reveal the beauty of who Christ is and why His birth was so important. In the flurry of Christmas, keep your eyes on Him. Come and see why Jesus is our greatest gift.
