Be Still: 15 Days With God Зразок

Be Still: 15 Days With God

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But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. ISAIAH 40:31

Who does God give power to? The weak. If you think you’re strong, you will probably not look to God. Even the strongest, the best, will fall. Wait on the Lord—because those who do will be strengthened! He will encourage the humble and give comfort to those who need comfort.

To not wait on the Lord is to despise His Word, think lightly of it, or not consider it that important. Consider it important enough to wait. Believe He can work out what you are going through by resolving yourself to do the right thing. When you go the easy road, in the end, you hurt yourself. When you climb a mountain doing the right thing, you will receive that strength when you wait on Him and honor the Lord with your life.

And when the winds of trials blow at you, you’ll rise above them as the eagle. Eagles fly at great heights using very little energy—eagles soar.

From Who Is Like Him, Isaiah 40


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Be Still: 15 Days With God

"Be still, and know that I am God;" (PSALM 46:10a). Many Christians are familiar with this verse, but do we really understand it? This exhortation applies when we are distracted by our successes, as when we are fearful and disquieted by some troublesome news. We need to learn to quiet ourselves by opening God’s Word and gaining His perspective in both cases.
