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Finding Happiness in Christ (Series 5)Зразок

Finding Happiness in Christ (Series 5)

ДЕНЬ 4 З 7

Learn to serve

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7a)

Edmond had sworn that he and his family would never be homeless. But not long after, he lost his job and then a fire destroyed their house. Suddenly they became homeless. Their only option was a shelter.

At the end of their first day there, Edmond's prayer was, "Lord, get me out of here." His attitude was negative. In his opinion, the rules at the shelter were an insult. The residents had to be escorted across the street to the mission hall for food. They had to attend the church that helped the shelter. When residents found work, they were expected to save 70% of their salary in preparation for the day when they could leave the shelter.

After pouring out all his complaints to the director of the shelter, Edmond became restless at night. He realized that he had focused his attention on getting out rather than on what he could do to make things easier for his family. That night, he changed his attitude. He started by bringing a glass of water to the man who was coughing in the next room.

Nine months later, Edmond and his family owned a home again. But he did not forget what he had learned. He still visits the shelter and said, “Wherever you are, God is there.” Attitudes, and not circumstances, make the real difference in his life.

Right thoughts can take you to a better station in life.

Reflection: If we always feel that other people's lives are better, luckier, and more comfortable than us, we make ourselves suffer from useless things because we don't know the truth. Therefore, be thankful for God's gift for our lives and be happy with Him. 

Joy comes from God, and joy cannot be influenced by what is outside of you. 

(Henry Blackaby)

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