

ДЕНЬ 1 З 6

The power of your testimony

Did you know that your words have power?

Did you know that when you testify to what God has done in your life, you actually can create the expectancy within someone else that God will do something in theirs too? Your words have the power to build the faith of those around you. Your testimony has the power to change lives in the name of Jesus!

Before we get started with the Scripture readings for this week, first watch this video from our good friend, Pastor Meesh Fomenko!

Can I get a witness?

When you think about what it means to "testify," you might think about people who testify in a court of law. In order for them to give a testimony though, they first have to be a witness. So what does it mean to be a witness? Well, if you can understand a witness as someone who experiences something and tells about it, then you'll have a good foundation for understanding how the story of the Bible works!

Have you ever thought about what God wants? We often talk about God's will or God's desires, but one thing we can absolutely be sure of is that God wants witnesses. God wants people who have experienced him and will tell others about him.

We see this desire of God's take place in the first book of the Bible when God calls Abraham out of a place called "Ur" and promises that he will bless the nations through Abraham's descendants. At the beginning of the book of Exodus (long after Abraham had died) however, his descendants find themselves slaves to Pharoah and the Egyptians. Starting in Exodus 7, God leads Israel out of Egypt through a series of incredible signs, miracles, and even plagues. After God delivers them, they find themselves at the foot of Mt. Sinai, which is where we start our reading for today.

As you read today, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Who, in these passages, has witnessed (or experienced) God at work?
  2. Does God choose a "chief witness" to represent the rest of them? Who is that?
  3. How could the law that God gives to Moses be considered a "witness?"

День 2

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There is power in your testimony! Over the next six days, discover what it means to be a witness of Jesus and how the words you speak can help grow his kingdom.
