Forgiveness Is a RequirementЗразок

Forgiveness Is a Requirement

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Jesus’s Example of Forgiveness  

In our world there are many injustices but none equivalent to the injustice brought upon Jesus by an angry mob and a cruel government. He was the unblemished Lamb, the epitome of wisdom and love. Not only had He never committed a crime, but He also had never spoken a sinful word. He was perfect.

As Jesus hung on the cross, enduring the torment brought upon Him by Jewish leaders and Roman soldiers, He uttered these beautiful words: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34, NKJV). With just one word, He could have stopped all their heartbeats. Instead He had compassion on them.

On a long list of things Jesus showed us about relating to people, forgiveness is right at the top. The forgiveness He taught is unique to Christianity. It’s not popular in our world to forgive injustices. We seize on the Old Testament instruction to take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but that is not the way of Jesus, who told us to turn the other cheek. (See Exodus 21:23–25 and Matthew 5:38–39). Jesus didn’t deserve the death penalty. True justice would have been execution for all those involved in His murder. But He cried out for His Father to be merciful toward them. Mercy triumphed over judgment (see James 2:13).

Jesus exemplified this heart of forgiveness throughout His lifetime though it was most pronounced around His crucifixion. Judas, who had been with Him for three years, sold Him out for money. Peter, His right hand and leading apostle, disowned Him. His own nation, the focus of His entire ministry, handed Him over to the Romans.

Jesus forgave them all.

When Jesus came to Peter after the resurrection, He extended His forgiveness to the man who had purposefully denied Him (see John 21:15-17). I often wonder what would have happened if Judas had stuck around after the resurrection. I personally believe Jesus would have forgiven him just as He forgave Peter. For some, that statement is jaw-dropping, but I know Jesus and His love, and He loved even Judas.

Of course, no greater case can be made concerning the forgiveness of Jesus than the fact that He forgives billions of people of billions of sins. His grace and mercy are powerful forces.

So what does this mean for us? It means we are obligated to follow His example. Our Master demonstrated ultimate forgiveness toward every person who wronged Him, including you and me, and that leaves us with no option but to do the same.

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Про цей план

Forgiveness Is a Requirement

Does Jesus forgive us when we sin? What does forgiveness really look like? Or perhaps just as important, how does Jesus show His forgiveness? In this three-day devotional, pastor and beloved worship leader Jonathan Stockstill introduces you to an encounter with the real-life Son of God—the One who loves and forgives you more than you could ever imagine.
