City of GraceЗразок

City of Grace

ДЕНЬ 1 З 7


It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

Life is hard sometimes. We want to be okay, to feel okay, but sometimes, we just aren't. Maybe it's our choices that put us here, maybe it's someone else's. We're low on hope and don't feel grace is within our reach. Thankfully, Jesus offers both freely. All we have to do is say yes.

According to Romans 8:1, if we’re “in Christ Jesus,” He doesn’t condemn us. The Savior of the world receives us just as we are, calls us His own, and removes our shame. He doesn’t hold our past against us. We don’t have to fix ourselves to come to Him. He just wants us to come to Him and leave the repairing to Him. And in a moment of true surrender to Jesus, we become His new creations—“the old life has gone, the new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT).

As you walk through the days on this Bible plan, our desire is that your heart and soul will receive huge deposits of grace and hope. Our greatest hope is to share Jesus with as many people as we can along the journey.

День 2

Про цей план

City of Grace

This Bible plan was written to express the heart behind Central Live’s new EP, City of Grace. The lyrics of the songs are an anthem of God’s abounding grace and deeply rooted in who Central Church is. In this 7-day plan, the team members share insight and Biblical truth behind each song and how God is changing their city into a City of Grace.
