Finding Our Faith Зразок

Finding Our Faith

ДЕНЬ 2 З 4

Subpoenaed Witness
by Rev. Ed Fredrich

If you have been following the news at all, the phrase “subpoenaed witness” is used quite a bit in the last two years. With the investigations that the U.S. Congress is conducting, the people they want to question are subpoenaed. They are given notice that they are to appear, usually with a date and time. If you have ever been involved in a legal case, maybe you relate to the phrase. Willing or unwilling, you are required to testify.

These words of Jesus may seem startling. There is no question, Jesus said, “You are going to testify.” It’s not a “maybe you will be required to testify.” It is a foregone conclusion. We have been subpoenaed.

Right now you may be looking at your own Bible to see if this really applies to you. You see that it was originally spoken to the disciples. Yes, these words were first spoken to them. They were given to the disciples on the night that Jesus was betrayed. He was preparing them for the events that would take place that weekend. They had a lot of learning to do before they were ready to testify, but testify they did.

Now before you write the subpoena off as not applying to you, remember that God’s Word is given to us for our learning and equipping. Like the rest of the Gospel of John, it is given for His disciples of all time. The subpoena stands. 

Jesus knew his disciples weren’t ready to do this testimony at that time. But Jesus also gave this command with a promise. Verse 26 in John 15 reads: “When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father—he will testify about me.”

These words of Jesus are the Gospel for Pentecost. This is the day the church on earth celebrates the literal fulfillment of this promise. The Holy Spirit, the Counselor, still works through the Word. He equips us. Just as the Spirit enabled the original disciples to testify, He does the same today. So, Jesus’ subpoena is there for you and me. The Spirit gives us the ability to testify. Rely on Him. Testify boldly!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I stand amazed that You would call me as Your witness. On my own, I have and would continue to ignore that subpoena. Thanks for sending the Holy Spirit for creating saving faith in my heart. Lead me to be a faithful student of Your Word so that the Spirit can equip me more and more to be the witness You have called me to be. Amen.


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Finding Our Faith

As we live our lives, our faith continues to grow. Family and friends provide wonderful examples of the impact of true faith. This 4-day devotion series, shared by The Lutheran Home Association’s chaplains, considers the impact of living life according to the faith in our hearts. Our faith continues to grow stronger day by day as we look one day to eternal life.
