Big PictureЗразок

Big Picture

ДЕНЬ 19 З 25

It's easy to remember bad things that happen in our lives. The harsh words spoken to us, the painful things done to us, the hurts we’ve experienced, the difficult moments we’ve walked through. 

The prophet Isaiah reminds us there is something else we should try to remember: God has done and will keep doing wonderful things for us. He’s planned them long before we’ll even experience them. Because of that, we can not only look forward with hope that good things are coming, we can look back and remember the good that’s already been done. 

Talk with your small group leader, or a trusted adult, about some of the good and wonderful things you’ve seen God do in your life and share a few you hope are still to come.


День 18День 20

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Big Picture

Big Picture: Seeing God work in the big picture of your life. Middle school students, join us for the next 25 day to find practical truth that will help you focus on seeing God work in the big picture of your life.
