Thru the Gospel of John Зразок

Thru the Gospel of John

ДЕНЬ 17 З 21

The real Lord’s prayer. 

In John 17, Jesus turns from talking to the disciples to talking with His Father. He invites us to eavesdrop on His prayer so that we might know what He prays for us today. If you did not to pray this morning, He did. He remembered you.

In this beautiful chapter, Jesus prays for Himself (vs.1-5), He prays for His disciples (vs. 6-20), and He prays for His church (vs. 21-26). 

First, Jesus prays for Himself. Far from being selfish, praying for ourselves is essential. The hour had come for Him to pay for our sins, for the world to see the love of God lavished on that cross. 

What is eternal life? It’s to know Him, “the only true God” (v. 3). Faith doesn’t save you (it’s just the instrument). Jesus, the object of your faith, saves you. You can believe in the wrong thing. The real Gospel is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again. If we know that and respond in faith when we trust Christ as Savior—that is eternal life. 

Jesus essentially hands in His final report to the Father. He says, “I finished the work You gave me to do.” He’s done all that is necessary for us to be saved. The Gospel and salvation is never what God asks you to do to be saved, but instead it’s God telling you what He’s already done for you. Do you believe that by faith? 

Next, Jesus prays for His disciples. He rehearses with the Father the beautiful relationship He’s had with this team. They now know that God sent Him. And now, with the love of the greatest teacher for His students, He intercedes for them. 

This Great High Priestly prayer of Christ is for us today and for us personally. He prays for the unity of believers, an organic unity only God can accomplish. Our joy is only fulfilled in God. 

God’s Word is the most revolutionary book there is in the world. Its radical message is that you can’t save yourself; only Jesus Christ can. That runs counter to the world’s do-it-yourself philosophy. 

Jesus wants to keep us in the world so we can be His witnesses and He will get more glory. 

Finally, Jesus prays for the church. God loves us today just like He loves the Lord Jesus Christ. How great is that! Because of that love, Jesus prays for us to love each other. 

This is the real Lord’s Prayer! 

Next, check out the shocking thing Jesus did when they arrested Him.

Question: Do you sometimes put faith in other things than Jesus alone? How can you remind yourself to fully have faith in Jesus? 

День 16День 18

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Thru the Gospel of John

Come sit at the feet of the last living disciple of Jesus. The Apostle John walked and talked with Jesus and he never forgot it. In your own personal journey, discover new things about Jesus you’ll never forget. Everything John writes is meant to help Jesus’ followers grow in their faith. This is one of the greatest books of the Bible! Experience it for yourself for the next 21 days.
