Emergency DrillЗразок

Emergency Drill

ДЕНЬ 4 З 7

A Life That Is Led

Can you really know God and His ways?

Eliezer was the oldest of Abraham's servants. Abraham trusted him, and so he sends Eliezer on this very important mission under oath. Eliezer was to find a wife for his son, the result of God's promise to him, his son Isaac.

Eliezer had clear instructions. Don't take a wife for Isaac among the Canaanite people. Go to Abraham's family in Mesopotamia but don't take Isaac there. If the girl refuses to come back with him, he is released from the oath. Not an easy task by any standards.

Now Eliezer of Damascus was but a servant in Abraham's household. But interestingly, he displays faith and a close walk with the God of his master Abraham. Abraham's faith had rubbed off on even his servant.

Two things from this passage reflect Eliezer's faith.

Eliezer, he prays, he seeks God and His direction (v12-14). He is very clear in his request to the Lord. Show me the girl that you want for my master and I will know it when she does more than I have asked of her, that is a drink of water.

Eliezer goes expecting to accomplish his mission. He goes loaded with gifts for the girl he was to meet, and her family. He goes expecting to succeed, expecting to receive an answer to his prayer, to find the girl. And God honours that faith. He finds Rebekah.

Do those who know you also know your God, like Abraham and Eliezer? Is your heart aligned to sense the Lord's leading, like Eliezer's was? Do you move forward in faith, expecting that your God will answer your prayer?

Lord help me be increasingly sensitive to You and display my faith in You that those around may see and be led to You, I pray.

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Emergency Drill

When life is tough and throws its challenges at us, what do we do? Do we run and scamper from pillar to post, not knowing what to do or to whom to turn? Jehoshaphat had his Emergency Drill in place. Here is a seven-day plan that encourages you to put yours in place, and live a life that is led by Him, who disciplines us from a place of love.
