The Power of The Holy Spirit Зразок

The Power of The Holy Spirit

ДЕНЬ 3 З 7


I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with the power though his Spirit in your inner being. Ephesians 3:16 

Jesus will never allow you to carry more than you are able to. He will never give you a task you cannot do by His power. He will never ask you to go the extra mile if He knows you cannot do it. Sometimes we say, “Lord, this is too difficult. I can’t go through this fiery trial.” 

Then He says, “You can. Just keep going. Out of my glorious riches I will strengthen you with power through my Spirit.” 

Do you remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who were put in the fiery furnace, but came out unharmed? Do you remember the fiery trial that Daniel himself experienced? He was put into a den of hungry lions, lions that had been starved, lions that would have torn a person apart in a few minutes and consumed him. King Darius loved Daniel, but Daniel would not bow the knee to  anyone other than the God of the Bible. In fact, he wouldn’t even close the curtains when he was worshipping God. Doesn’t that take courage? That’s a fiery trial. Darius had to put Daniel in the lions’ den, but the lions did not touch Daniel. Think of the early Covenanters who were burnt at the stake for the sake of the Gospel. They sang songs of praise while the flames consumed them. 

God will give you the strength of His Spirit so that you can endure your trials and tribulations and come through them a stronger believer. 

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You will strengthen me with power through Your Spirit when I go through trials and tribulations. I trust in You. Amen. 

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The Power of The Holy Spirit

Jesus told the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait. Wait for what? To be baptized with the Holy Spirit, for the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon them and fill them. This gift from God is available to you too. Learn more about the power of the Holy Spirit in this 7-day reading plan by evangelist Angus Buchan.
