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Amos: Seek The Lord and LiveЗразок

Amos: Seek The Lord and Live

ДЕНЬ 11 З 31

Here is a staggering list of ways that the Lord has blocked Israel and caused them difficulty. There were five ways in which He had sought to discipline them and shock them into returning to Him, but they did not. We need to know that the Lord will allow His people to suffer pain and hardship as a warning in order that they may return to Him and ultimately be safe. 

I read an article a while ago about a lad called Stephen Pete. He has a genetic disease which means he feels no pain. He described how as a child of five months he bit through his tongue and how he badly burnt himself. He spent most of his childhood with a cast on as he pushed his body beyond a point where most of us would say, ‘Ow,’ and stop. He described being at a skate rink and having a good time until someone pointed out that his trousers were covered with blood and that he was skating on a broken leg. He titled the article: ‘The agony of feeling no pain’. 

In life, physical pain is a warning to us so that we don’t experience the agony of serious harm. The Lord tells His people that He will send upon them the pain of no food, no crops and no rain so that they don’t experience the pain of something far worse: His decisive judgment. 

You and I need to be cautious. In the Bible pain and suffering are not always discipline. Job’s pain was not. Jesus’ suffering was not. But when God sends troubles, it is sensible to ask the question, ‘Lord, is there something of which I need to repent? Do I need to return to you in some way?’


Are you willing to view hardships in your life as the Lord’s discipline? Hebrews 12:4–11 tells us that His discipline is a mark of His love. He wants us to return to Him and keep going walking with Him.


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