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Patience: God's Wisdom for MomsЗразок

Patience: God's Wisdom for Moms

ДЕНЬ 1 З 8

What Good Is Guilt?

Are there days when you feel like a failure at everything you do? Your tongue lashes out in cruelty at the very children you love. You lose patience with co-workers. The envy you’ve fought so hard to control gets the best of you and your heart actually fills with bitterness toward a neighbor.

When God shines the light of his Word down on our blunders, we cower in its brightness and dart away to find cover. It’s so hard to face up to our errors as guilt points its accusing finger.

What good is guilt? It actually opens the door to healing. We have to see — really see — our sinfulness in order to receive God’s grace. We who deeply desire righteous ness must turn our faces full into the light of God’s perfection. There we can see our sin as well as our need for his grace. And in that brightness we can see the love on God’s face and his desire to restore us to himself.

Close your eyes and “see” your sin. Ask God for forgiveness. Then open your eyes to the light of his healing. Move past the guilt and live in restoration today.

День 2

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