Mak 15

1KU te bek piny, ke bain̤ ke ka ke N̤ialic, ku ror dit, ku koic ke waragak, ku koic ke T̤anedrin ked̤ia, aci luk e luk. Goke Yecu d̤ut, ku ghetke, ku yinke Pailat. 2Go Pailat Yecu t̤iec. Ye yin bain̤ dit de Jiu? Go Yecu d̤uk, An e ghan. 3Go bain̤ ke ka ke N̤ialic goke Yecu uoin e kajuec. 4Go Pailat ber t̤iec, Acin ke d̤uk yin ke? Ping wel juec ci koic luel ke. 5Ku bit Yecu; go Pailat gai. 6Ku run ked̤ia te bi Pat̤ka, ke Pailat aci ran tong ci maic loin̤, ran cik t̤iec. 7Ku ato ghot ran col Barabat̤, ci maic ke ke koic ci miri jai, ku nake koic kok e tongic. 8Go koic ked̤ia goke lo tong Pailat, ku t̤iecke bi luoi loi, luoi cit luoiden ghon. 9Go Pailat t̤iec, Yuecka lan ban bain̤ dit de Jiu loin̤? 10Ku n̤yic Pailat e ke de tiel, ci ke Yecu be tong yen. 11Ku bain̤ ke ka ke N̤ialic aci koic luom t̤ok, ku t̤oneke bik Barabat̤ t̤iec. 12Go Pailat d̤uk, Ba ngu loi tong ran nia yaka col Bain̤ Dit de Jiu? 13Goke ber cot, Piata tim kou. 14Ku t̤iec Pailat ke, Yengu, ye keraic de ngu ci loi? goke ber cot aret, Piata. 15Ku Pailat ayuic bi koic yuom puot̤ piny, ke loin̤ Barabat̤, ku te cen Yecu t̤at, ke pal koic bik piat.
16Ku lat̤ker aci Yecu t̤el luang col Pritorium, ku t̤onke koicken ked̤ia. 17Goke alan̤ t̤it̤ luok e yekou, ku nerke kuot̤, ku tauke yenom. 18Ku muot̤ke ye, An Bain̤ Dit de Jiu. 19Goke yup nom aruor, ku ngutke, ku tuke muol ku cimke piny etong ye. 20Ku te ci kek e bui, ke bi alan̤ t̤it̤ be, ku yike alet̤ke nia, ku t̤elke gher bik lo piat.
21Goke ran e Kurinai col T̤aimon, un Alekt̤anda ku Rupat̤, abuo ror, goke kwak piny ku yike tiam ager bi jot. 22Goke Yecu ghat̤ te col Golgot̤a, te luel e yen e t̤ongda, ke col te de apen de ran. 23Goke Yecu yek wain cine wel n̤vir rier t̤in, ku jiai. 24Goke Yecu piat, ku teke alet̤ke, ku cuatke ran bi kedit ghat̤. 25Ku pietke Yecu e t̤a d̤angwan. 26Ku gar e keraic ci loi, aci gar e yenom kela, An Bain̤ Dit de Jiu. 27Go cwer karou goke piat ke Yecu, tok cuec ku tok cam. 28Ku waragak de N̤ialic t̤er aci loi, An yen aci mat ke ke koic ci keraic loi. 29Ku koic ci ye ret lom aci ye bui, ku lengke ken̤im, ku jamke, Yin ayi d̤iom luang dit de N̤ialic ku ber loi e nin kadiak, 30koin̤ rot, ku bar piny. 31Ku bain̤ ke ka ke N̤ialic ku koic ke waragak aci ye bui, ku jamke, Yen aci koic kok koin̤, ku aci rot leu e kuin̤. 32Ca Mat̤ia Bain̤ dit de It̤rel, cak a buo piny eman tim ager nom, buk ting ku bu gam. Go koic ci piat ke ye goke ye bui.
33Ku te ci t̤a t̤ier ku rou ben, ke piny col ku kwak e col aghet e t̤a diak. 34Ku te ci t̤a diak ben, ke Yecu cot, An Eloi, Eloi, lama t̤abakt̤ani; te luel e yen e t̤ongda, An N̤ialindie, N̤ialindie, yengu n̤yiang yin gha we? 35Go koic kok kaic tet̤iok goke jam, Piangka, acol Ilaija. 36Go ran t̤uoin ku jol ke de piu joic welic, ku lut aruor nom ku yik e, ku jiam, Koicku, ku tingku lan bi Ilaija ben ku bi be be. 37Go Yecu cot ku jal t̤ok. 38Ku alan̤ dit de luang dit de N̤ialic acii ret rou, n̤ial ku lo piny. 39Ku bain̤ de lat̤ker akaic tet̤iok, ku te ci t̤on cen t̤ou ting, ke jam, Ran e Wen de N̤ialic atet. 40Ku diar adai temaic, Mari Magdalini, ku Mari man de Jakob t̤i ku Jot̤et̤, ku T̤alomi. 41Diar ke aci Yecu biat̤ cok Galili ku lek kede loi, ku diar kok ci lo Jerut̤alem ke ke Yecu.
42Ku t̤en koic aci nang luoiden etong akol e T̤abat̤ niak. 43Go Jot̤ep ran de Arimat̤ia, ran tong de T̤anedrin, e ran laijik, ku ngot̤ ceng de N̤ialic, go lo tong Pailat ku ci rioic, ku t̤iec gwob de Yecu. 44Go Pailat gai lan cen gwa t̤ou. Ku col bain̤ de lat̤ker, ku t̤iec lan ci Yecu gwa t̤ou. 45Ku te ci Pailat wel ke bain̤ de lat̤ker ping, ke gam gwobde Jot̤ep. 46Go Jot̤ep lo ku ghoic alan̤ puat̤, ku jot Yecu be, ku lok alat̤ egwop, ku t̤iek e rangic, rang ci wec kuric; ku ler kur yet̤ok. 47Go Mari Magdalini ku Mari man de Jot̤et̤ goke dai te cine gwobde tau t̤in.

Поточний вибір:

Mak 15: CIEC1916





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