The Princess and the P'sÖrnek

The Princess and the P's

7 günden 3. gün

PURPOSE God didn’t save us so that we could go off and do our own thing. He has a purpose for our lives. If He has truly saved us, then His desire is that we would live for Him. The Bible says that we are His workmanship. He has not only created us the first time so that we owe our very existence to Him, in salvation He has re-created us in Christ so that we might serve Him. For some of us this might be incredible news that God has a purpose for our lives! Perhaps we feel aimless or worthless or meaningless in life. If we are in Christ, the incredible news is that this is not true. In Christ, God has placed a very specific call on our lives and this call gives us great purpose. This purpose is both general and specific. Generally speaking, those whom God has redeemed will bring glory to Him all through eternity by being living demonstrations of His grace. If you are in Christ, just by existing you have great purpose! You are an example, a display of God’s grace to the entire universe. This truth is the same for every believer. But God’s purpose is also specific—He wants you to serve Him in life and He has very definite plans for what He wants you personally to do. This second aspect of God’s purpose may look different from individual believer to individual believer. But it will always involve serving and glorifying God in the work that He has given us to do. It is also vital to remember that our purpose is based on and flows out of our identity in Christ. Because of who we are—children of God—God has a specific purpose for our lives. Take some time to close in prayer asking the Lord to show you some of the specific things that He has purposed for you to do right now.

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Okuma Planı Hakkında

The Princess and the P's

You may have heard Hans Christian Andersen’s version of the old folk tale, "The Princess and the Pea"—a story where a prince uses a pea to discover a true princess. There are also P’s in the Christian life. This plan will examine six things that as the Bride of Christ we need to remember about who we are and, therefore, how we are to respond—all beginning with the letter P.
