Leading And Loving It Örnek

Leading And Loving It

11 günden 7. gün

Wednesday morning. 6:45am. Last day of school. Finals week.

I’m not much of a morning person. At all. So, as usual I was running late to get my daughter to the carpool drop off. My husband left at 5:30 on an early flight driving himself to the airport since I really don’t do mornings. The kids and I were on our own as I hustled them out to the car with backpacks and final test reminders. We jumped in the car and turned the key. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Seriously?! A dead battery? Today of all days?!

I sat in the driver’s seat frozen. Not because of the dead battery, I was frozen because I wasn’t sure I had a 6:45am friend. The kind of friend who will wake up to the buzzing of their cell phone on their nightstand at 6:45am, see that it is you, answer their phone, and come running to help. Did I have a 6:45am kind of friend? I was strangely suddenly overwhelmed by the most oppressive sense of isolation that I’ve felt in years.

When you are in leadership friendships are just tough. Loneliness is rampant. Isolation seems to be the norm. The questions of — Who do you talk to? Who can you confide in? Who can you lean on? — can be scary. And if they are answered by a resounding “no one”, then they are downright terrifying.

Who is holding you up? Who is joining you in your pain, struggle, hurt, and weariness? Who is your 6:45am friend?

You no longer need to be bound in isolation, but instead, you can reach out and grab hold of a small group of women who understand you like no other. There is incredible joy available in community, and we are not exempt as leaders. Sure, it is a risk to open yourself up to friendships, but it is far riskier to live in isolation. Take a risk, step out, and jump into community so that you can have those 6:45am friends too.

Before you get in the truck: Reach out to other ministry ladies in your area, or join a ConnectGROUP at leadingandlovingit.com. Take a proactive step into community today.

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Leading And Loving It

Do you ever feel like leadership challenges are sucking the joy right out of ministry? You know ministry is a privilege – a blessing – but some days you just want to hop in the truck and leave all of the hurt, loneliness, and expectations behind. The Leading and Loving It 11-day devotion is for you.
