Leading And Loving It Örnek

Leading And Loving It

11 günden 6. gün

The disciples— the men who walked the dusty roads of Israel with Jesus, reclined at tables and ate with Him, whispered to Him amongst the throngs of people, laughed and shared light, happy moments with Him, witnessed the deaf hearing their first sounds and the lame taking their first steps, experienced what it was like for water to be the only support under trembling feet, and were His closest heart-bound friends— yes, those disciples, led a church where there were “rumblings of discontent.”

Have you ever heard the rumblings of discontent? They may sound like the muted rumblings of distant thunder. The music is too loud. The room is too cold. Your husband’s hair looks like he’s “trying to be one of the young people.” (Yeah, that’s a real one.) These kinds of rumblings are almost like background noise. Frustrating and slightly annoying, they are rumblings in the distance.

Other rumblings might sound and feel more like experiencing an F5 tornado directly overhead while you are huddled in the corner, arms covering your head. Deafening. Hurtful. Destructive. The teaching isn’t deep enough. You don’t even preach the Bible here. If you were really a woman of God, you would do what I want you to do. The leadership here isn’t Godly.

When we read Acts 6:1 again: “But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent.” God whispers to our hearts: “You aren’t alone.” Leaders, from the beginning of the church, have heard rumblings.

Don’t let critics take your calling. It’s been said that many people leave ministry due to a handful of critical people. Don’t let someone or even a handful of someones steal the calling that Almighty God has placed on your life. They cannot have it. Cling tightly to the mission and leadership God has given you.

Don’t let critics steal the joy out of ministry. Sure ministry is tough. It would be easy to come up with a list of the tough stuff. But oh, there are so, so many things that are wonderful. There is so much to celebrate, enjoy, and love. Don’t let the negative overshadow the great things that God is doing. Don’t let them steal your joy.
Before you get in the truck: Determine today that you won’t let the rumblings of discontent drown out the calling of God on your life.

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Leading And Loving It

Do you ever feel like leadership challenges are sucking the joy right out of ministry? You know ministry is a privilege – a blessing – but some days you just want to hop in the truck and leave all of the hurt, loneliness, and expectations behind. The Leading and Loving It 11-day devotion is for you.
