The Guiding StarÖrnek

The Star Triumphs Over All Opposition
For the motley group of followers of Jesus. It is a victorious journey. The powers of the earth are against them. Satan and his forces want to destroy them. But they are safe under the guidance of the star. Nothing can touch them without God’s permission.
God’s guidance is there for us today. To lead us to unknown territories. Are we looking for it sincerely in the Word of God and prayer? Are we passionate about pursuing His high calling while managing our daily responsibilities? He has unexpected surprises for us? Many fail to even get a small fraction if it as we are not even looking in that direction. The Magi had to leave their high, comfortable positions, Jesus left His heavenly throne, are we ready to put aside that which God wants us to put aside? What are we holding on to that prevents us for reaching and grasping those amazing treasure He has in store for us?
Are we triumphant? Do we feel victorious? There are deaths, illnesses, relationship issues, opposing forces of many kinds. We may feel dragged down, but in Christ there is always victory. Are we so deeply connected to Him that we are confident of this victory or are we anxious about the circumstances around?
As the season of Christmas falls on us again, it is time to reflect on where we stand. That star comes in different forms to those who are truly seeking to fulfil God’s purpose on earth. Do we see it or are we blindsided? Here’s the checklist. Are we centred around Christ? Are we:
· C onvicted?
· H eeding direction?
· R adiating God’s message to those around?
· I nstilled with exceeding joy?
· S purred to worship?
· T riumphant over the toughest opposition?
It may not appear so, but ours can always be a triumphant path. Even if it leads through sorrow, suffering and death. Are we celebrating our relationship with Christ and our journey to follow Him? Are we assured that no force can divert us from this objective as the greatest force is with us? Are we 100 percent ready to do what it takes to obey Him?
I pray that this season we choose to align or realign ourselves with the bright and morning star, Jesus. That we are recommit to our journey of discipleship with Him.
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Okuma Planı Hakkında

The traditional manger scene is very unlike the real manger scene which had no wise men, no star. The wise men (Magi) led by the star surfaced almost two years later at the house of Jesus. Again, the star may not have been visible for the whole journey but emerges when required. It reflects God’s mysterious, magical guiding hand over our lives which we will reflect on, during this seven day devotional.
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