The Guiding StarÖrnek

The Star Radiates His Message To Those Around
The first lap of the journey leads the Magi to Jerusalem. Was this a mistake? When we seek God’s guidance with pure motives there are no wrong turns. They are all Gods turns.
Unconsciously, these dignitaries, are sending out a message to the political and religious heads of the nation that the King is here. This is like God’s official communication to the leaders. As Paul we are “an aroma of Christ to those who are perishing for some – to death, for others, to life”. Herod is threatened, the Pharisees and scribes are disturbed – and all of Jerusalem with them. I would have thought the Jews would have been excited to hear about the coming of their long-awaited Messiah. After centuries of oppression under super powers, they should have been longing for their Messiah. The distance today from google maps is around 8 km. They should have set out with the Magi to worship their king. But no. They were not ready. They were not even willing to accept Him. The subsequent massacre of infants in Bethlehem could have been a loud and painful reminder that they really did need their Messiah. The spiritual bloodshed and death they were causing was far worse than the physical oppression. Bethlehem too had received the message from the shepherds a couple of years earlier – but there’s no record of anyone seeking their king. Herod determines the time the child was born and decides accordingly to kill the children under two. This indicates that it could have been a clear, approximately 2 years after birth that this incident was taking place. Because now they are not heading to a manger but to his house.
So back to the Magi. Not only are they God’s ambassadors, they pick up another clue here. Herod, with ulterior motives, leads them to the religious heads of the nation. They in turn go to the Old Testament which states that the king will be born in Bethlehem. This is the next lead given to the Magi. Unknowingly, they are ruffling big feathers. God is ready to take the risk of alerting the religious and political hounds and vultures in order not to miss any true seeking souls among the crème de la crème of Jerusalem. He is in control.
When we follow God’s light, we become His ambassadors. Are we radiating the great message of salvation to those around?
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Okuma Planı Hakkında

The traditional manger scene is very unlike the real manger scene which had no wise men, no star. The wise men (Magi) led by the star surfaced almost two years later at the house of Jesus. Again, the star may not have been visible for the whole journey but emerges when required. It reflects God’s mysterious, magical guiding hand over our lives which we will reflect on, during this seven day devotional.
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