Confessing The Hebrew Scriptures "El Shaddai"Örnek

Confessing The Hebrew Scriptures "El Shaddai"

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 El Shaddai, The Lord Almighty is Incomparable 

Therefore You are great, my Lord Adonai! For there is none like You, and there is no other God besides You, as we all have heard with our ears. ―2 Samuel 7:22

Al- ken ga•dál•ta Adonái Elohím ki-eyn ka•mó•cha ve•eyn Elohím zu•la•té•cha ke•chol ashér-sha•má•anu be•oz•néy•nu.

The Philistines defeated Israel and captured the Ark of the Covenant. They brought it to the temple of Dagon and placed it beside their deity. The next morning, the Philistines entered the temple and saw their god had fallen face down before the Ark of God. They picked up Dagon and put him back into place. But the second morning, they again found their god with his face to the ground in front of the Ark. This time, his head and hands were cut off. The Philistines moved the Ark to different cities, but each was struck with plagues. After seven months, the priests of Dagon agreed: the Ark of Adonai must return to Israel, and “you must give glory to the God of Israel.” (See 1 Samuel chapters 5 and 6.)

At Mount Carmel, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to beseech their god to ignite a sacrifice on their altar. Elijah did the same with an offering to the God of Israel. Before he did, he drenched the sacrifice, wood and altar with water, thus setting the stage for a spectacular display of God’s power and sovereignty. No fire was sent to light the offering to Baal, but God Himself brought down a fire so intense that it consumed Elijah’s sacrifice, the wood and even the altar of stones beneath it. (See 1 Kings chapter 18.) 

The God of Israel is the one true God. No fabricated god of man can compare. He alone is the Lord Almighty. There is none like Him! Glory be to God!
"Turn to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth. For I am God – there is no other." ―Isaiah 45:22  

"That at the name of Yeshua every knee should bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue profess that Yeshua the Messiah is Lord ‒ to the glory of God the Father. "―Philippians 2:10‒11

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Confessing The Hebrew Scriptures "El Shaddai"

When God revealed His name to Abraham as El Shaddai, God Almighty, He declared Himself the all-powerful, all-sufficient God. Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series – El Shaddai, God Almighty – you’ll meditate on inspiring verses describing our sustaining Almighty God. Also, you'll learn to confess the Word of God in the Hebrew language.
