Confessing The Hebrew Scriptures "El Shaddai"Örnek

Confessing The Hebrew Scriptures "El Shaddai"

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 El Shaddai, The Lord Almighty Provides 

 Rather you are to remember Adonai your God, for it is He who gives you power to make wealth, in order to establish His covenant that He swore to your fathers – as it is this day. ―Deuteronomy 8:18 

Ve•za•char•tá et-Adonái Elo•hé•cha ki hoo ha•no•ten le•chá kó•ach la•a•sot chá•yil le•má•an ha•kim et-be•ri•to ashér-nish•ba la•avo•té•cha ka•yom ha•zé.

Abraham lifted the knife to sacrifice Isaac, the son of the promise. God stopped him and provided a ram caught in a thicket instead. 

God set Joseph in charge of Egypt’s grain during a devastating famine that  even affected Jacob and his family in faraway Canaan. In this way, God provided them the food they needed and saved the Jewish people. 

Centuries later, God raised up a leader to free His people from slavery. He miraculously gave His people food and water in the wilderness for 40 years – even their sandals did not wear out. Then, He brought them victory throughout the Land so they could enter to receive what He had promised them. 

And, ultimately, God provided Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) to reconcile us to Himself. 

God is a provider. He knows your needs and has promised to take care of you. He gives you the skills you use to earn a living, and He also provides the ability to enjoy what He has given you. When you face uncertain times, when you encounter out-of-the-ordinary needs, you can trust the Almighty God to provide for you. In each circumstance of life, God is the giver of good gifts, and He remains your faithful provider. 

"There is nothing better for people than to eat and drink and to find enjoyment in their labor. This too, I perceived, is from the hand of God. For who can eat and who can have joy apart from Him?" ―Ecclesiastes 2:24‒25 

 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." ―James 1:17  

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Confessing The Hebrew Scriptures "El Shaddai"

When God revealed His name to Abraham as El Shaddai, God Almighty, He declared Himself the all-powerful, all-sufficient God. Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series – El Shaddai, God Almighty – you’ll meditate on inspiring verses describing our sustaining Almighty God. Also, you'll learn to confess the Word of God in the Hebrew language.
