Psalms 54

Common Meter: 8,6,8,6
To the chief Musician on Neginoth, Maschil,
A Psalm of David, when the Ziphims came and said to Saul, Doth not David hide himself with us?
1Save me, O God, by thy great name,
and judge me by thy strength:
2My prayer hear, O God; give ear
unto my words at length.
3For they that strangers are to me
do up against me rise;
Oppressors seek my soul, and God
set not before their eyes.
4The Lord my God my helper is,
lo, therefore I am bold:
He taketh part with ev'ry one
that doth my soul uphold.
5Unto mine enemies he shall
mischief and ill repay:
O for thy truth's sake cut them off,
and sweep them clean away.
6I will a sacrifice to thee
give with free willingness;
Thy name, O Lord, because 'tis good,
with praise I will confess.
7For he hath me delivered
from all adversities;
And his desire mine eye hath seen
upon mine enemies.

Seçili Olanlar:

Psalms 54: MP1650





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