Psalms 53
Common Meter: 8,6,8,6
To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil,
A Psalm of David.
1That there is not a God, the fool
doth in his heart conclude:
They are corrupt, their works are vile,
not one of them doth good.
2The Lord upon the sons of men
from heav'n did cast his eyes,
To see if any one there was
that sought God, and was wise.
3They altogether filthy are,
they all are backward gone;
And there is none that doeth good,
no, not so much as one.
4These workers of iniquity,
do they not know at all,
That they my people eat as bread,
and on God do not call?
5Ev'n there they were afraid, and stood
with trembling, all dismay'd,
Whereas there was no cause at all
why they should be afraid:
For God his bones that thee besieg'd
hath scatter'd all abroad;
Thou hast confounded them, for they
despised are of God.
6Let Isr'el's help from Sion come:
when back the Lord shall bring
His captives, Jacob shall rejoice,
and Israel shall sing.
Seçili Olanlar:
Psalms 53: MP1650

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