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Spiritual Transformation, NOT Behavior ManipulationHalimbawa

Spiritual Transformation, NOT Behavior Manipulation


Knowing God So He Can Transform Me 

In order for God to transform me, I need to know Him. Not just know ABOUT Him, but really know Him personally. Think about a famous person you have read about, but you have never met. You know about them but you don’t have a personal relationship with them. 

Consider how we develop a friendship with someone, such as spending time getting to know them (their story and their likes and dislikes), meeting their friends and family, sharing experiences, and talking by phone or text, email or on social media. 

Wouldn’t that be similar to how we get to know an “invisible” God? We can read what He has written to us (the Bible), we can talk with Him (through Prayer) and hang out with His friends and family (in a church or other group of believers). 

GOD’S WORD: So, if we want to know God, then we must spend time reading and studying His love letter to us, the Bible. God inspired more than 40 people over 1000 years to capture what He wanted us to know about Him. There is an amazing agreement among the authors who wrote the various parts of the Bible, with each book telling its own story, reflecting the character of God through a particular historical and cultural lens. All 66 books of the Bible tell one sweeping story of how God loves us and wants to restore relationship with US. 

Paul wrote to Timothy: Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another – showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us. (MSG)

Find ways to internalize God’s Word, as this will help resist temptation and recall God’s promises when we need His assurance and comfort. 

Some suggestions:

· Record a verse with your phone and play it back as you drive or do chores. 

· Write a verse on a card and tape it where it is visible or write it on your mirror with a dry erase marker. 

· Meditate / ponder / think about the verse throughout the day. 

· Create a verse image in YouVersion and make it your home screen for a week, repeating the scripture every time you look at your phone or computer. 

PRAYER: If we never talked with our best friend, It would be a very strange relationship. Prayer is simply an intimate conversation with the creator of the universe who is so loving and caring that He wants to be involved in the most minute details of my life. While I should pray for my needs, I should also expectantly listen to Him, as He will speak to my heart or reveal something new.

FELLOWSHIP WITH OTHER BELIEVERS: Because we walk out our relationship with God by being in relationship with others, it’s imperative to have a support system of believers to encourage each other, pray together, give insights into scripture and share experiences. 

Prayer: God, I want to know you better, deepening my relationship with You. Help me make time for what is most important: to read Your Word and capture your messages into my heart, while talking with you and consulting you about everything, and hanging out with others who can help me know You better.

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Spiritual Transformation, NOT Behavior Manipulation

Is God only concerned that I “behave correctly?” Am I “white knuckling” my Christian walk – trying hard to “be good?” That’s manipulating my behavior! God has a better plan than doing it the hard way, on my own. He wants to inwardly transform and grow me. In this devotional we will explore how God’s transforming power enables us to live the abundant Christian life.
