San Juan 15
Te mero smuc'ul yac'ule
1Soc la yal xan te Jesuse:
—Jo'on mero smuc'ul yac'ulon te ts'usube.#Is 5.1-7. Te Jtate ja' jcanan-ts'usubiltic stuquel. 2Spisil te sc'abc'ab te bay ma xyac' site, ya me sloq'ues. Spisil te banti ya yac' site, ya yutstes xan stuquel swenta yu'un ya yac' xan bayal sit ta lec a. 3Te ja'exe utstesbilexix ta swenta te jc'op la calbeyexe. 4Jc'axel ainanic me ta jtojol. Ja' nix jich te jo'one jc'axel me ya x'ainon ta atojol. Jich te bit'il sc'abc'ab ts'usub te ma xju' ya yac' sit ta stuquel teme ma snitojuc sba soc te mero smuc'ul yac'ule, ja' nanix jich te ja'exe, ma xju' ya sitinex teme ma jc'axeluc ya x'ainex ta jtojole.
5“Jo'on mero smuc'ul yac'ulon. Te ja'exe sc'abc'abex. Te mach'a jc'axel ainem ta jtojole soc teme ainemon ta stojole, jich me ya yac' sit ta lec stuquel. Xujt' ma'yuc bi ya xju' awu'unic spasel teme q'uejel ya awac' abaique. 6Te mach'a ma x'ain ta jtojole ya me yich' ch'ojel loq'uel ta fuera; jich te bit'il sc'ab te ts'usube, teme taqueje, ya yich' tsobel soc ya yich' chiq'uel ta c'ajc'.
7“Teme jc'axel ya x'ainex ta jtojole, soc teme jc'axel ya awac' ta awo'tanic te jc'ope, c'anaic te bila ya sc'an awo'tanique, ya me x'ac'botex. 8Jich ya xchicnaj yutsilal te Jtate teme bayal ya sitinexe. Jich me jnopojelex cu'un ta melel abi. 9Te bit'il c'uxon ta yo'tan te Jtate, ja' nanix jich c'uxex ta co'tan uuc te ja'exe. Jich yu'un jc'axel ainanic tey a ta bay te xc'uxul co'tane. 10Teme ya ach'uunic te mandaliletic cu'une, jich me ya x'ainex tey a ta bay te xc'uxul co'tane. Jich bit'il jo'on te jch'uunejbey te mandaliletic yu'un te Jtate, jich jc'axel ainemon tey a ta bay te xc'uxul yo'tane.
11“La calbeyex awaiyic in to, swenta yu'un ya me awich'bonic te sbujts' co'tane, jich me ts'acal ya ataic te sbujts' awo'tanique. 12Te jmandal ya calbeyexe, ja' te c'ux ya awaiy abaic ta awo'tanique, jich te bit'il c'ux la caiyex ta co'tan te jo'one.#Jn 13.34; 15.17; 1 Jn 3.23; 2 Jn 5. 13Ma'yuc mach'a c'ax jich ay xc'uxul yo'tan bit'il te mach'a ya yac' sba ta lajel yu'un te mach'a jun yo'tan sba soque. 14Te jo'otique jun co'tan jbajtic teme ja' ya apasic te bila la calbeyex ta mandale. 15Ma ba ya jp'isex xan ta abat, melel te mach'a abate ma sna' te bila ya spas te yajwale. Yan te ja'exe, jun co'tan jbatic, melel spisil cac'ojbeyex ana'ic stojol te bila yalojbon te Jtate. 16Te ja'exe ma ja'uc la atsaonic, jo'on la jtsaex jtuquel. Ja' la jtsaex yu'un te ya xbeenexe soc te ya sitinexe. Te asit ya awaq'uique ma xlaj sbajt'el q'uinal. Swenta yu'un spisil te bila ya ac'anbeyic te Jtat ta jwentae, ya me yac'beyex. 17Te jmandal ya calbeyexe, ja' te talel c'axel c'ux ya awaiy abaic ta awo'tanique.
Ay ta ilayel Jesús soc te jnopojeletic yu'une
18“Teme ya yilayex te mach'atic ayic ta swenta te balumilale, na'aic me stojol te jo'on neel la yilayonique. 19Te junuc awo'tanic soc te mach'atic ayic ta swenta te balumilale, c'ux ya yaiyex te jichuque te bit'il jun ayex soque. Ja'uc me to, la jtsaex loq'uel tel ta yolilic. Ja' swentail te ya sp'ajex te mach'atic ayic ta swenta te balumilale.#Jn 17.14-18. 20Juluc me ta awo'tanic bila la calbeyexe: “Ni jtuluc abat te cajal ya xc'ot ta stojol te yajwale”,#Mt 10.24; Lc 6.40; Jn 13.16. te xoone. Teme la yuts'inon te jo'one, ya me yuts'inex uuc. Teme la yich'bonic ta muc' te jc'ope, jich nix ya yich'beyex ta muc' uuc te bila ya awalic te ja'exe. 21Spisil in to ya spasbeyex ta jo'on jwenta, melel ma sna'beyic sba te Mach'a la sticunon tele.
22“Te manchuc talucone, soc te manchuc la jc'opone, ma'yuc smulic te jichuque. Ta ora to ma xju'ix te ya smac sbaic ta c'op yu'un te smulique. 23Te mach'a ya yilayone, ja' la yilayix uuc te Jtate. 24Te manchuc la jpasbey yilic at'eliletic te ma'yuc mach'a ju'em yu'un spasele, ma'yuc smulic te jichuque. Ta ora to la yiliquix te bila la jpase. Ja' ya yilayonic yu'un, soc ya yilayic uuc te Jtate. 25Ja'uc me to, puersa jich c'ot ta pasel te bila ts'ibubil ta mandalil te yich'ojique: “Ma'yuc swentail te la yilayonique”,#Sal 35.19; 69.4. te xie.
26“C'alal ya xtal te Jmuc'tesej-q'uinal awu'unic te ya jticunbeyex tel ta swenta te Jtate, ja' me ya yalbon jc'oplal stuquel. Ja' te Espíritu yu'un te bila melele te talem ta stojol te Jtate. 27Te ja'exe ya me awalbonic ta jamal jc'oplal ta testigo uuc, melel la ajoinonic ta xjajch'ibal to tel —xi' te Jesuse.
Kasalukuyang Napili:
San Juan 15: TZOXCH
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Biblia en Tzeltal de Oxchuc y Tenejapa © Sociedad Bíblica de México, A.C., 2001.