Wake Up!ตัวอย่าง

Wake Up!

วันที่ 3 จาก 4


As followers of Jesus, we are not merely the result of chance or circumstance. We have been lovingly crafted and intricately designed by our Heavenly Father for a specific purpose. Our lives hold meaning and significance beyond what the world may offer. We are God's workmanship, His masterpieces, created in Christ Jesus for good works.

Living with purpose means understanding that we are part of a grand divine plan. God has prepared beforehand the good works He desires for us to walk in. Our purpose is not found in the pursuit of personal success, wealth, or fame, but in serving God and others selflessly.

Discovering our purpose requires seeking God earnestly, surrendering our plans and desires to Him, and allowing Him to shape our lives according to His perfect will. It involves using the gifts and talents He has entrusted to us for the benefit of His kingdom and the betterment of humanity.

When we live with purpose, every aspect of our lives becomes an opportunity to bring glory to God. Our work, relationships, and even our daily routines take on new meaning as we align them with God's purposes.

Embrace the truth that you were created with intention and purpose. Seek God's guidance, ask for His direction, and trust that He will lead you into the fulfilling and abundant life He has planned for you. As you walk in the good works He has prepared, you will experience the joy and fulfilment that comes from living in alignment with your divine purpose.

Questions -

  1. What do you believe is your individual purpose as a Christian?
  2. Have you ever experienced moments of doubt or uncertainty about your individual purpose? How did you handle those feelings?
  3. How does your individual purpose connect with the greater mission of spreading the Gospel and serving others as a follower of Christ?


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Wake Up!

In the stillness of the morning, when the first rays of light kiss the earth, a gentle whisper stirs the depths of our souls. It is the call of God, beckoning us to awaken from our slumber and embrace His divine purpose for our lives. Each day presents a new opportunity to respond to His call, to surrender our will and align ourselves with His perfect plan.
