Wake Up!ตัวอย่าง

Wake Up!

วันที่ 1 จาก 4

Spiritual Slumber

In the journey of faith, it is crucial for us as Christians to remain vigilant and aware of the dangers of spiritual slumber. Just as physical slumber can render us unaware of our surroundings and vulnerable to harm, spiritual slumber can hinder our growth, hinder our relationship with God, and make us susceptible to the snares of the enemy.

When we become complacent in our walk with God, our spiritual senses become dulled, and we may fail to recognise the signs of temptation, deceit, and worldly distractions that seek to draw us away from God's perfect will. The cares of this world can lull us into a state of apathy and indifference, causing us to lose sight of our purpose and calling as followers of Christ.

However, the Word of God reminds us that the hour has come for us to wake from sleep. It is a gentle yet urgent call to stir ourselves from the slumber of complacency and rekindle the fire of our devotion to God. The closer we draw to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, the more crucial it becomes for us to be spiritually awake, alert, and ready.

Let us heed this call and take intentional steps to guard our hearts, renew our minds, and deepen our relationship with God through prayer, studying His Word, and fellowshipping with other believers. May we resist the temptations to grow spiritually sluggish and instead cultivate a vibrant and active faith that shines brightly in a world desperately in need of God's love and truth.

Awaken, dear Christian, for the time is now. Salvation is nearer than ever before. Let us rise from our slumber and walk in the light of Christ, embracing the abundant life He has called us to live.

Questions -

  1. What does it mean to be spiritually asleep or in a state of spiritual slumber?
  2. What are some common causes or triggers of spiritual slumber?
  3. How can we awaken from spiritual slumber and rekindle our passion for God?


วันที่ 2


Wake Up!

In the stillness of the morning, when the first rays of light kiss the earth, a gentle whisper stirs the depths of our souls. It is the call of God, beckoning us to awaken from our slumber and embrace His divine purpose for our lives. Each day presents a new opportunity to respond to His call, to surrender our will and align ourselves with His perfect plan.
