Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of Johnตัวอย่าง

Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of John

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The Miracle of Healing the Blind Man

Yeshua’s compassion is evident in the healing of the blind man in John 9. The fact that this man had been blind since birth adds to the dramatic nature of this miracle. It’s hard enough to be blind in our modern times with all of today’s technological advancements that assist the visually impaired; but imagine being blind in ancient times. It meant you were a poor beggar and societal outcast. Adding insult to injury was a commonly held belief by religious Jewish people and pagan Romans that disabilities and diseases were the results of either one’s sin or the sin of one’s parents. The blind man in John 9 had been in his condition since birth, which is why the disciples asked Yeshua whether this man or his parents had sinned.

Jesus made it clear to his disciples that this man’s blindness was not a result of his or his parents’ sin. Rather, the man’s blindness becomes a way for God to be glorified. As Jesus mixes spit with mud and places it upon the man’s eyes, he demonstrates his compassion and power. Though we may be physically or spiritually blind, Jesus offers sight and wholeness to us all.


If there is an area of struggle in your life that you’re still waiting on answers for, have you asked God how it might be used to glorify Him?


Father, thank you for your perfect plan. Please renew my mind and help me to see where my struggles are being used for your glory.


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Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of John

Experience the wonder and mystery of God’s Word as you explore key miracles in Jesus' life on earth. In this five-day plan based on his book, Signs and Secrets of the Messiah, join Rabbi Jason Sobel in examining some of the miraculous deeds of our Savior and the details revealed in the context of His Jewish culture and traditions.
