Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of Johnตัวอย่าง

Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of John

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The Feeding of the Five Thousand

Faced with a crowd of five thousand men, which may have been as many as ten thousand people including women and children; Jesus asks his disciples how on earth they will feed them all. Philip and the other disciples seem flummoxed, knowing how much money it will take to feed a crowd so large.

Jesus’s question, however, is a test for his disciples. Would they rely on themselves and their efforts, or would they rely on God to do something magnificent?

This test is reminiscent of the way God tested Israel as they wandered in the desert. Many times he gave them the opportunity to rely on him for their needs; and many times they failed to trust in him, despite his steadfast care. Jesus’s testing taught his disciples to depend completely upon him to provide in the same supernatural way God did for his people in the wilderness. Would they try to feed these people on their own, or would God provide a way?

With just five loaves of bread and two fish, everyone ate, and after everyone had eaten, there were twelve baskets of leftovers.

This miracle shows us that Jesus is able to provide for us in abundance, beyond anything we could imagine.


How has Jesus provided for you in abundance? What blessings in your life do you need to give thanks for?


Thank you, God, for providing for me. Help me to remember to give thanks for even the smallest blessings in my life.

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Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of John

Experience the wonder and mystery of God’s Word as you explore key miracles in Jesus' life on earth. In this five-day plan based on his book, Signs and Secrets of the Messiah, join Rabbi Jason Sobel in examining some of the miraculous deeds of our Savior and the details revealed in the context of His Jewish culture and traditions.
