Strengthen your faith and overcome the circumstancesตัวอย่าง

Strengthen your faith and overcome the circumstances

วันที่ 3 จาก 7

Having peace of mind is a position of faith

Today’s Word: Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among nations, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalms 46:10)

Even though we live through difficult days of afflictions, in which barriers seem insurmountable and problems seem unsolvable, we can relax and experience the peace that only God is able to give us. 

How? It seems like a dream, a real utopia. After all, we are not alienated. Who, today, does not live worried about diseases, lack of security, not knowing what the future of their children or financial life will look like, which seems to be going from bad to worse?

The world lives tensely, but we do not, for we have God’s promises! We are not driven by any wave that the world tries to impose. We walk against the world, not because we are rebels, but because we know that God takes care of us! 

In the midst of adversity, we have the opportunity to grow and see God’s action in our lives, because we believe that although the Bible was written at such a different time, it continues to be current because it is God speaking to us.

God has promised to be with us every day of our lives, in any situation! We do not live based on what we see, hear or feel, but rather on what we believe: the Word of our Father. We give it credit and keep the focus on what really has value!

Having peace, despite the circumstances, is a position of faith, because the enemy will always throw concerns in our minds, which will generate anxiety, anguish and even result in diseases. It is up to us to identify them, reject (in Jesus name) what tries to unbalance us and believe in the Lord’s promises. 

God has already given you the ability to live well, despite the challenges throughout your life. Even if, on the outside, a storm is raging, your heart can have peace. Be still! The Lord is God, and He is with you!

Prayer: Father, it’s good to know I’m not alone. I will be still, rest in your strong arms and wait for deliverance. From now on, I reject every concern that the enemy tries to throw into my mind. I discredit his lies and I hold onto the Truth. You’re my God and I thank you for that. In Jesus name. Amen.

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Strengthen your faith and overcome the circumstances

We often fall into the error of just “wishing” for something to change and we think this is enough for God to act. Of course God knows us deeply and takes pleasure in seeing us fulfilled, but the way we relate to Him is only through faith. In this devotional, your faith will be strengthened through what the Bible promises, even if you are living difficult circumstances.
