Strengthen your faith and overcome the circumstancesตัวอย่าง

Strengthen your faith and overcome the circumstances

วันที่ 2 จาก 7

The miracle depends on your response

Today’s Word: When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord”, they replied. Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you”; and their sight was restored. (Matthew 9:28-30a)

In this passage, two blind men followed Jesus, crying: “Have mercy on us, Son of David!”, and approached Him seeking healing. Jesus then asked if they believed that He could heal them and the blind answered yes. Then Jesus touched them, and immediately, they began to see.

I don’t know what kind of difficulty, impossibility or struggle you are facing right now, but I want to challenge you to put yourself in the shoes of these two men, who found themselves restricted, prevented from seeing, walking, working, living normally and who probably depended on alms to eat.

Now read the question Jesus asked them again: “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” Well, that’s the same question he asks you today: “Son/Daughter, do you believe I can solve what ails you?”

You may even believe that God has all the power, but do you believe that He can do wonders in your life specifically?

In this story, Jesus teaches us that the miracle, whether great (like the healing of these blind men) or small (as a small intervention in something of daily life), depends only on our response, and invites us to trust that only He can make the impossible possible.

Fill yourself with the Word of God, seek it, be hungry and thirst for Him! Only then will you be safe to answer, “Yes, I believe” with all your conviction. God is still the same. The great miracles we see in the Bible still happen! Believe and you will experience the supernatural power of God!

Prayer: Father, I understand that the power to work the miracle is in your hands, but the “start button” for the miracle to happen is in my faith, in my belief and trust in you. My answer is, “Yes, Lord, I believe!”. I declare that the Lord will miraculously work in my life. I’m ready to trust and keep on believing. In Jesus name. Amen.

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Strengthen your faith and overcome the circumstances

We often fall into the error of just “wishing” for something to change and we think this is enough for God to act. Of course God knows us deeply and takes pleasure in seeing us fulfilled, but the way we relate to Him is only through faith. In this devotional, your faith will be strengthened through what the Bible promises, even if you are living difficult circumstances.
