Luke: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Planตัวอย่าง

Luke: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan

วันที่ 8 จาก 10

The Power of Darkness

The time has come for Jesus to finish his earthly mission. First, though, he will share a final meal with the twelve. Afterward he will be arrested, tried, and found guilty— all within twenty-four hours. He knows that he’s going to suffer physical abuse, but most painful will be the heartbreak of betrayal, rejection, and abandonment. As Jesus prepares for the end, he moves about Jerusalem accepting the things that must unfold according to God’s plan.


The disciples never quite got past their craving for greatness. But are we really much different? As you consider what Jesus told them—a true leader is one who serves (22:26–27)—can you detect where your own thinking in this regard might be skewed? Identify ministry leaders you admire and the ministry they do, and consider what attracts you to them and the way they serve.


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