God's Got This: A Strategic Prayer Guide for Your Adoption Journeyตัวอย่าง

God's Got This: A Strategic Prayer Guide for Your Adoption Journey

วันที่ 7 จาก 7

“Spiritual Opposition to Adoption”

Yes, it’s true. Obstacles are a real part of an adoption process, but this is not the end of the story. Whatever the circumstances or calling that brought you to the point of considering adoption, you’ve faced a lot. Take this as total encouragement – Satan wouldn’t bother messing with you if you weren’t on the right path!

Satan is out to destroy that good path. Many families who have endured grief come out the other side bruised; however, by God’s grace we can also come out stronger and more focused. As all athletes know, strength comes from training and hard work. Your hard work may have included financial depletion, altered dreams, and marriage relationships tested past your point of comfort. All this can land a spirit on rocky soil after a season of battering.

Simply take a moment and just breathe. Stop and grieve, sweet friend, if that is where your heart is. Please ask God for spiritual healing and release from the hard stuff.

Do you remember that abundant life Jesus promised us? It is promised to you too. So push pause if you are feeling overwhelmed. Regroup in community, family and prayer. Ask God to move you forward definitively when the time is right.

While I considered beginning an adoption process, I had a dear friend phone me with a divinely-timed message during one of my hardest week. She dispelled some in your face wisdom saying, “Jacqui, you are hurt and in need of healing. You are mad at God and I get it. But whatever you do, DO NOT STOP TALKING TO GOD!”

This may seem like fairly obvious advice, but this is applicable no matter what broken places you have experienced. Thank you Jesus for not leaving me there, in my mess, in my broken and in my longing.

So with this revelation, I began to grieve, stomp, yell and question in a way that would have made King David blush….But God just sat with me, as you will sit one day with the child you long for, lovingly waiting out a full-blown temper tantrum. And when I was spent, God held me. He held me in His loving arms. He held me together. And He will hold you. God’s got this, He really does.
วันที่ 6


God's Got This: A Strategic Prayer Guide for Your Adoption Journey

The decision to adopt is one that requires prayerful consideration. This 7 day plan will help individuals or families gain an intimate picture of possible circumstances they may encounter during an adoption process and ways to use Scripture to help gain peace and perspective during the journey.
