God's Got This: A Strategic Prayer Guide for Your Adoption Journeyตัวอย่าง

God's Got This: A Strategic Prayer Guide for Your Adoption Journey

วันที่ 3 จาก 7

"Where is your Child?"

From my personal experience, subsequent adoptions are more difficult than the first. The moment I initially decided to adopt, I shared my plan with everyone. No one was safe - the deli attendant at Publix, the cashier at Panera! I was an absolutely glowing mother-to-be.

I ran full tilt into that adoption and never looked back! The second adoption? Well, it was an uphill battle from the start. I’d sit up late at night talking to God in a broken, Psalmist kind of way. That’s okay, though. A huge part of this journey was about deepening my relationship with God, which meant my faith was stretched, and I reacted accordingly. God was growing me, and He expected the growing pains. For me, it had to happen this way, or we would have never found our son.

So, where is your child?

God’s got this. Don’t worry (So hard, I know!) over all of the many steps that you must take to get your child home. Claim this truth.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says,
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart…
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He WILL make your paths straight.”

It is okay that you don’t understand everything…because God does. Rely on Him.
When my parents adopted me, they used an agency well-known for international adoptions. They were matched with me and received their travel dates. When I was 2-years-old, we began the process again, and BOOM! Everything had changed.
The fabulous agency they had previously used was no longer operating. They had remained very close to my foster mom, and were able to work with her to adopt my sweet sister. My foster mother represented my parents in-country and then travelled with our new baby to America. Praise the Lord!

There will be moments during this journey when total reliance on the Father is your only option to prop you up when it feels like the paperwork, interviews, and health approvals are about to crush you.

As you begin to reflect on and process all the many ways that God’s fingerprints are so clearly evident in every one of your preordained steps, you realize you are part of a miracle, and every ounce of Glory goes to Him.

Your child awaits you. Just ask God where to find him or her, and He will show you the way.


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God's Got This: A Strategic Prayer Guide for Your Adoption Journey

The decision to adopt is one that requires prayerful consideration. This 7 day plan will help individuals or families gain an intimate picture of possible circumstances they may encounter during an adoption process and ways to use Scripture to help gain peace and perspective during the journey.
