"I Am..." How Jesus Reveals Himselfตัวอย่าง

"I Am..." How Jesus Reveals Himself

วันที่ 11 จาก 11

Our last “I am” text is from the book of Revelation. It is not about Jesus’ life on earth, but about a vision that John had later on. In this vision, Jesus appears to him and speaks reassuring words. There is a lot going on on this earth, and more will come. Christians will face hostility and difficulties when they try to live righteously. It will not be easy to remain faithful. But Jesus promises: “Behold, I am coming soon” (verse 12).

Jesus left this earth after His resurrection, but that is not the end of the story. He is the eternal God; He was there before the world was founded, and He will remain forever. Both His life and His reign are eternal. He encompasses everything.

That is encouraging if we feel overwhelmed and threatened. God is greater than anything else. This world will come to an end, maybe our earthly life will come to an end before that, but Jesus will be there forever.

Are you waiting for Jesus’ return?

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วันที่ 10