Holy Week: Pause. Ponder. Pray.ตัวอย่าง

Holy Week: Pause. Ponder. Pray.

วันที่ 5 จาก 7


Dear Rescued One, pause for a moment, something too fantastic to invent, something so incredibly God. The Creator of All in the womb of a woman, conceived by the Holy Spirit. The King of kings, Lord of lords, Almighty God was born of a woman, laid in a manger, walked in our shoes, lived a perfect life, and died in our place.

He overcame sin, death, and despair and in exchange gave us His righteousness,

His hope, and His grace. Let us be humbled by this amazing love and mercy in light of our terrible sin and rebellion. Let us be compelled by this amazing compassion in view of our tremendous weakness and frailty.



Moment by moment may we thank Jesus for Calvary. May we love Him with all of our lives exalting Him above all. May we be more than willing to put our flesh to death

and live for Him. In the deepness of gratitude may we joyfully and faithfully fix our eyes upon Him and pick up and carry our cross in the power of His grace.

As a result, may others see their Savior, look to Calvary's cross for their redemption, and receive His righteousness, His hope, and His grace!


Lord Jesus, I thank you for dying for us for taking our sin and the penalty it deserved so that we might live. I praise you for your great mercy and your wonderful, extravagant grace! Where would I be without you?

Help me live each day with this in mind. Help me be full of grace and gratitude.

In your name, I pray,



วันที่ 4วันที่ 6


Holy Week: Pause. Ponder. Pray.

This plan is designed to provide a special time alone with the Lord during Holy Week. Each day you will be prompted to pause, ponder, and pray through a passage in the Gospel of Matthew. Your heart will be encouraged, your faith strengthened, and your prayer life enriched as you prepare for Easter. May it impact your walk with the Lord for years to come.
