Holy Week: Pause. Ponder. Pray.ตัวอย่าง

Holy Week: Pause. Ponder. Pray.

วันที่ 4 จาก 7


Judas was a man who followed Jesus, went to synagogue, gave alms, and said his prayers, but in the end, his heart betrayed him. Jesus asked him, would he betray the Son of Man with a kiss?

Charles Spurgeon wrote: "Let me be on my guard when the world puts on a loving face, for it will, if possible, betray me as it did my Master, with a kiss. Whenever a man is about to stab religion, he usually professes very great reverence for it. Let me beware of the sleek-faced hypocrisy which is armor-bearer to heresy and infidelity. Knowing the deceitfulness of unrighteousness, let me be wise as a serpent to detect and avoid the designs of the enemy. The young man, void of understanding, was led astray by the kiss of the strange woman: may my soul be so graciously instructed."

We don't want to be found guilty of the sin of Judas.

If we have been baptized into the name of Jesus, is He our Lord? If we say that we are a follower of His, are we following Him?

If we say that we believe the Word of God is our authority, do we obey it?

If we say we love Him, we don't want to betray Him. We don't want to betray our Master with a kiss.

Let me ask you this. Do you love Him? How do you act upon that love? Even a child is known by the choices he makes, how he behaves, and what comes from his mouth. (Proverbs 20:11).

Do you worship the Lord on Sunday and then disregard His commands on Monday? Do you keep your tongue from gossip? Do you keep yourself pure?

Do you honor the Lord with your first fruits? Do you speak the truth?

Do you keep your word?

If we love Jesus we will honor and obey Him.

We do not want to deceive ourselves.



Are any of us religious but not rescued from the fires of hell? Are any of us religious but not a true friend of Christ? Do we know of anyone who thinks that they are a

Christian because they go to church, say their prayers, participate in

communion, confess their sins, or do good deeds?

Are you convinced you are devoted because of your outward devotion? Don't let your heart deceive you. Don't be fooled by your feelings. Be careful. Take time to pause, ponder, and pray. The Lord loves you and doesn't want you to be deceived.

This is holy week. It can be a very special time in your relationship with the Lord. Take extra time in His Word. Pray and fast for holiness for yourself and those you love. Pray that you would love the Lord with your all. Ask the Lord for His mercy and His grace. Ask Him for the strength to be obedient to whatever He may ask of you. Ask the Lord for His grace to help you to be found fully faithful.


Lord, please produce in me true holiness of heart. Give me a persevering and abiding faith. I want to walk so nearly and so closely with you. Never let me betray you.

I do love you, Jesus. Help me love you more.

It is in your name I pray,



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Holy Week: Pause. Ponder. Pray.

This plan is designed to provide a special time alone with the Lord during Holy Week. Each day you will be prompted to pause, ponder, and pray through a passage in the Gospel of Matthew. Your heart will be encouraged, your faith strengthened, and your prayer life enriched as you prepare for Easter. May it impact your walk with the Lord for years to come.
