Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascentตัวอย่าง

Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent

วันที่ 5 จาก 15

Life is full of “what if?” scenarios leading to disastrous outcomes when played out in our imaginations. In the opening of this Psalm, we’re asked “[What] If the Lord had not been on our side...” The writer then considers the result of great peril without God’s aid -- complete destruction by our enemies. And where would we be without the great mercy of God? We would be dead in our sins with no hope of revival, left with what we’ve rightfully earned by our wrongdoing.

The chapter then goes on to proclaim that while we are fully helpless in our own strength, the LORD is on our side! And not only has He provided a way of escape, but what once trapped us has been completely broken. (Verse 7) Here we are reminded not only of our present victory over the trials we face in this life, but our eternal victory in Christ, who conquered death once and for all by His death on the cross.

The key to your victory today in whatever stands before you is found in verse 8: “Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Looking to God as your helper, instead of the false gods in our present day, will transform the question of “What if?” from what was once uttered from a place of anxiety and fear to one of wonder and faith... for nothing is impossible with our God. (Luke 1:37)

  1. Do you more often ask yourself “what if?” from a place of anxiety or a place of faith?
  2. Can you remember a time where God has worked victory in your life? Write this story down in a journal as a reminder of his goodness.
  3. Have you put your faith in Christ? Paul echoes the words of this Psalm in Romans 10:13 when he says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” If you’d like to make a decision to walk with Jesus, pray right now and invite Him into your life as your Lord and your Savior.


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Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent

The 15 Psalms of Ascent were traditionally sung by pilgrims as they made a mountainous journey to Jerusalem for the annual feast, and are now songs for us to sing in our journey toward our true home in heaven. During this 15-day reading plan we will dive into these pilgrim songs focusing on one Psalm per day.
