Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascentตัวอย่าง

Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent

วันที่ 1 จาก 15

Our response to the trials that we face each day determines our future far more than merely the issues themselves. In this passage, when facing a deep personal wound, the psalmist didn’t run from God, but rather to God. Instead of taking matters into his own hands to solve independently or to repay evil for evil, the writer instead invites God into the mess to bring about deliverance. He isn’t afraid of being turned away by God, but is confident in His faithful compassions. He admits his great need for an intervention, whether it was his fault or not for the problem at hand.

How often we forget that the Lord is waiting for us to ask for His help when we are in need. He will not force Himself into a situation where He hasn’t been welcomed but patiently hopes that we will put on the humility needed to admit our lack to Him. He greatly desires to be a helper and a comforter to each of His children. He is more than prepared to bring His healing presence into any place we will allow Him.

Remember this: we may not be able to control our hardships, but we can always control where we run in the midst of them.

  1. What areas of your life have you been holding back from bringing to God in prayer?
  2. What does it mean to flee to God? What is your personal process of fleeing to Him?
  3. Think of a time where God had been faithful to help you when you’ve come to Him with your struggles. Thank Him, and trust that He is able to do the same in your life today.


วันที่ 2


Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent

The 15 Psalms of Ascent were traditionally sung by pilgrims as they made a mountainous journey to Jerusalem for the annual feast, and are now songs for us to sing in our journey toward our true home in heaven. During this 15-day reading plan we will dive into these pilgrim songs focusing on one Psalm per day.
