More Than Just a Story - the Book of JohnНамуна

Before Simon Peter entered the courtyard, a girl at the door said, "You are not one of the disciples, are you?" He replied, "I am not." (John 18:17)
After Simon Peter left the courtyard and was outside, he was asked, "You are not one of His disciples, are you?" He denied it, saying, "I am not." One of the high priest’s servants challenged him, "Didn’t I see you with Jesus in the olive garden?" Again, Simon Peter denied it. At that moment, the rooster crowed.
In John 13:31-38, Jesus said, "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny me three times."
Have you ever had a moment where the truth of a lie, a deception, or a sin comes staring you in the face? Not once, not twice, but three times. The weight of that realization is heavy, painful, and embarrassing—sometimes so humiliating that you can’t even look at yourself in the mirror. We have all had those moments. But through the forgiveness of Jesus, our sin is wiped clean. Jesus no longer sees our sin. Jesus knows us; He loves us, including all our weaknesses, faults, and failures. He continues to love us and guide us. Jesus will not turn His back on us. Instead, He draws us close to Him.
When Peter looked into the eyes of Jesus, he acutely sensed his own sin. Jesus’ love is meant to show us both the seriousness of our sin and the steadfastness of His deep love for us.
When your sin confronts you, will you turn away from Jesus, or will you turn toward Him to find healing and hope?
How does knowing that Jesus loves you deeply, forgives you, and continues to guide you affect your response to sin?
If God’s love is not based on our actions but is freely given and unconditional, how does that change the way you see His love for you?
What does it mean to you that Jesus entrusted Peter with the duty of teaching God’s truth to feed the souls of His people?
How have you experienced the power of forgiveness in your life?
About this Plan

The book of John reveals Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God by focusing on His life and ministry. This is an anthology, created by a diverse group of people from different backgrounds and perspectives, all connected to Embrace Church MN. Through personal reflections and insights, it explores the entire book of John, connecting its timeless truths to real-life experiences. Whether you're new to the Bible or deeply familiar with it, this journey will help you know Jesus more—not just through facts, but by allowing His life to inspire and transform you each day.