More Than Just a Story - the Book of JohnНамуна

How many doors do you walk through everyday? Have you ever thought about it? Me either, honestly.
I think there’s some significance to doors. They keep heat out in the summer and cold out in the winter. They keep out unwanted people, animals, and critters. They open to welcome in family and friends.
Throughout John 10, Jesus talks about Himself being the truest door there is. Jesus would have been speaking to first-century Israelites here, and shepherds and their flocks were a staple in daily life for those first-century Israelites. Sheep were kept in fields overnight and the shepherds would sometimes put them in a cave or corral to keep them protected. Throughout the night, the shepherd himself would sometimes stretch out to rest across the cave.
The shepherd’s body would become the door to the cave. He was the only way in and out. Anyone or anything that wanted to attack his sheep would have to literally go through him to get to the sheep.
“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” - John 10:9
The imagery that Jesus uses here is powerful. He is not a door… He is THE door. No one else is the Savior, no one else is the shepherd. He is the One. Jesus is super clear here that He is the only way to enter into the Kingdom of God.
He is the Son of God and He is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep.
In what ways do you rely on other “doors” in life instead of fully trusting Jesus as the door to the Kingdom of God?
How does the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd change the way you view your relationship with Him?
What would it look like for you to walk through the door that Jesus offers everyday of guidance, provision, and protection?
About this Plan

The book of John reveals Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God by focusing on His life and ministry. This is an anthology, created by a diverse group of people from different backgrounds and perspectives, all connected to Embrace Church MN. Through personal reflections and insights, it explores the entire book of John, connecting its timeless truths to real-life experiences. Whether you're new to the Bible or deeply familiar with it, this journey will help you know Jesus more—not just through facts, but by allowing His life to inspire and transform you each day.