STEPS by John OrtbergНамуна

STEPS by John Ortberg

DAY 9 OF 14


Are you ready for some hard work on Step Eight? In this step, we turn our attention to repairing the harm we’ve caused. This step isn’t about fixing what others have done to us or reconciling relationships on our terms. It’s about making a potentially counterintuitive list: naming the people we’ve hurt.

It’s easy to tally the wrongs others have done to us. That list often forms naturally, an invisible tally forming in our minds, feeding our indignation and justifying our personal resentment. But Step Eight asks us to turn our focus inward. Who have we hurt? Where have our actions or words caused harm—emotionally, spiritually, physically, or financially?

The story of Zacchaeus gives us a picture of what this process can look like. When Jesus met Zacchaeus, the crowd expected Him to condemn the tax collector for his greed and betrayal. But Jesus surprised them all by inviting Himself to Zacchaeus’ house. That act of love melted Zacchaeus’ defenses and brought down his walls. In a moment of clarity, Zacchaeus realized he couldn’t continue harming others and still be in a relationship of love with Jesus. He made a new list—not of those who had hurt him, but of those he had wronged. Then, moved by love, he resolved to make amends.

Making this list is the start of something transformative. It won’t be easy to name the people we’ve hurt or to confront the ways we’ve fallen short. But this step shifts the focus away from bitterness and blame, opening the door to healing and freedom.


Take a quiet moment to begin your list. Write down or reflect on one name—a person you’ve hurt. Ask God for the humility and courage to face this step with honesty. Remember, this process isn’t a quick one and likely won’t happen in a day. But make the commitment to yourself that you’ll carry through with it and watch how God changes your heart in the process.

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About this Plan

STEPS by John Ortberg

What do we do when we know something needs to change but we can’t do it on our own? Join John Ortberg for a 14-day journey of transformation. The STEPS Bible Plan is rooted in the teachings of Jesus and uses the framework of AA's 12 steps as a guide for discipleship.
