A Year in Luke/ActsНамуна

A Year in Luke/Acts

DAY 168 OF 364

In Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, all other powers and dominions have been placed under His Feet. Psalm 8 is one of the great Messianic chapters that celebrates the fact that God’s Dominion is Total.

Although this might not always seem like it is the case, the Resurrection confirms to us that God is in control and working to make all things new. There are times when we doubt, times when we are tempted to give up, but we keep going because we believe that early in the morning on the first day of the week, the Tomb was empty.

Each week, we join with the Community of Followers of Jesus around the world who gather to remind themselves of this reality and worship God, saying: “How Majestic is Your Name in all the Earth!”


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