

DAY 4 OF 7

If Jesus is your Savior, you are set free!

I used to feel like I had to have it all together. I measured myself according to the world’s standards for success. I was constantly looking for that special place in this world.

It was a burden—trying to decide who and what I was supposed to be. I found peace when I stopped striving. I began seeking God’s plan for my life. His plan far exceeds anything I can produce on my own because it does not revolve around what I do or where I live—it revolves around Him! It is both simpler and so much greater than what I could come up with.

Before you and I met Jesus, we were not free at all. We were slaves to sin, on our way to eternal death. We were trapped by our own desires, our guilt, and our shame. But Jesus bought us freedom. And He paid for it with the ultimate price—death on a cross.

Romans 8 says,

…now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

Being free in Christ doesn’t mean you'll never sin or make any mistake again—you will! But it means you're not a slave to sin anymore. And since Jesus paid the price for your sin—you don’t have to! You don’t need to punish yourself or do anything to earn your redemption. Jesus said on the cross, "It is finished"—He's taken care of all that. Death and guilt no longer have any claim on you!

The Bible says that you are God’s.

You are chosen, completely loved, completely washed clean by Jesus’ blood, and completely saved out of death for a wonderful purpose.

But there is an adversary who will try to convince you you’re not who God says you are—not good enough, not pure enough, and not worthy enough of God’s love. He’s the father of lies, and lies are his native language. Fight those lies with words of truth from the Bible.

Just like you had a physical birth, one day you'll have a physical death. Until Jesus returns to make all things right, no one can escape that. But because of your spiritual birth in Jesus, you're free from the spiritual consequences of sin. That means you will not have a spiritual death! After your body passes away, your spirit—clothed with a brand new body—will live on in the face-to-face presence of God.

Just like John 8:36 says,

…if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.

Believe it, my friend!

You are free from the penalty of your sin—eternal death.

You are free from being controlled by sin.

You are free from condemnation.

You have a life worth living and the promise of Heaven.

Let's pray:

Jesus, thank You for saving us from death. Thank You for setting us free from sin. We now rejoice that we get to spend eternity with You. That eternity starts now! In You, we are truly free, and sin cannot separate us from You anymore! Amen.

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About this Plan


You are Made New! Rejoice in your new life in Christ through this 7-day devotional, designed especially for new believers. It's all about identity—who Christ is makes you who you are! Andrew and Wendy Palau will guide you with personal stories into rich reflections on how God makes you a new creation from the inside out.
