

DAY 2 OF 7

Who God is makes me who I am.

We can’t make things new. But God can. Because He is your creator, you are made new!

Birth is messy, and there’s anguish involved, but what comes of it is wonderful—there’s nothing quite like witnessing a new baby come into the world. And there’s nothing as beautiful as seeing someone experience spiritual birth in Christ.

Sometimes we hear people say, “You’re starting a new chapter in life.” But rebirth in Jesus means picking up an entirely new book! The beautiful thing is that it’s a start—a fresh start, but on God’s terms. He begins to write a new story, washing the old and messy ‘you’ away.

But being made new isn't just about getting rid of vices or sinful living. It’s recognizing who God is, and who you are in light of that. It’s the shocking revelation that God’s magnificence envelops everything you are.

In Psalm 139, David says to God,

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

The creation of the world is portrayed in Genesis 1-3, the very beginning of the Bible. It stands out from the other origin stories of every other religion because it portrays a loving God, forming humanity in His image, for the purpose of love. Like the rest of the Bible, it’s really part of a big, ongoing love story!

There was a loving design to your very existence. You and me, all of us, we’re made in God’s very own image.

We are designed…

On purpose.

By God.

Made in love, and made to love.

Have you ever felt like you're an accident?

I want to tell you today… you are not a mistake. You’re not a coincidence. God created you with love and intention.

He knew everything about you—even while you were still in your mother's womb.

He designed you uniquely—there is no one on earth like you.

He made you to love Him, to receive His love, and to share that love with others.

On your birthday, your mother helped bring you into the world. You arrived in the flesh, a precious baby with a heartbeat and a body. You were given a name. Maybe you had some hair, maybe not. That was your first birth.

When you accepted Christ's offer of new life, you were born again! This time it was a spiritual birth. The part of you that’s capable of connecting to God and living forever came to life. You are not your own anymore—you belong to God, and nothing can separate you from His love.

Let’s pray together:

Lord, thank You for making me in Your image, out of the overflowing love of Your heart. You knew what You were doing when You made me. You have fitted me perfectly for the purposes You have planned. I'm Yours—right down to the core of who I am.

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About this Plan


You are Made New! Rejoice in your new life in Christ through this 7-day devotional, designed especially for new believers. It's all about identity—who Christ is makes you who you are! Andrew and Wendy Palau will guide you with personal stories into rich reflections on how God makes you a new creation from the inside out.
